Lunchtime meals will be for your own account. You may bring eats along for this or may ask the Hotel or Lodge to provide a packed picnic lunch. We may also stop off at eateries for a light lunch. Such lunch opportunities will be highlighted beforehand.
Lead times of 3 to 4 months must be given for booking of these tours. Most towns are small and accommodation for a larger group can be complicated, if not impossible, at short notice.
Maximum group size on most of these tours is limited to 12 – 14 tourists due to accommodation restraints.
Some seating may be available in the Tour Guides’ vehicles; tourists may avail of such seating daily on a rotational basis at no extra cost.
Costs included in these tour prices as given: Tour guide fees, accommodation per person sharing (single supplement) on a bed and breakfast rate, dinners at our accommodation (where indicated), entrance fees.
Costs not covered in the pricing for these tours: Lunchtime meals, all alcoholic beverage and drinks at stop-overs, outside restaurant meals and fuel.